Contact Us

College of Arts and Humanities

Location and Mailing Address:
College of Arts and Humanities
North Library, 5090
CSU, Dominguez Hills
1000 E. Victoria St., Carson, CA 90747
Contact Us

Staff Directory

Dr. Tim Carontcaron@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5090(310) 243-3389Dean
Dr. Tim Chintchin@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5090(310) 243-3389Associate Dean
Gwendolyne Taylorgtaylor@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5090(310) 243-3360Academic Resource Manager
Khadija Andersonkcooper@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5090(310) 243-3389Assistant to the Deans
Christian Rodriguezccalderarodriguez1@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5090(310) 243-3389Administrative Support Coordinator
Dylan Wrightdwright@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5090(310) 243-2444College Scheduler

College Advisors

Victoria Fowlervfowler@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5079(310) 243-3284Acting Director
Violeta Diazvdiaz@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5515(310) 243-3222Administrative Support Coordinator II
Janelle Virayjviray@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5083(310) 243-2539Academic Advisor
Jamie Harnagejharnage2@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5508(310) 243-2583Academic Advisor
Teresa Paynetpayne11@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5085(310) 243-3043Academic Advisor
Lorena Faciolfacio@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5526(310) 243-3201Academic Advisor
Chanel Shortercshorter@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5073(310) 243-2630Graduation Specialist
Penny Whiteplabaun@xsdvoip.comNorth Library, 5389(310) 243-2162Academic Advisor


Department NameDepartment ChairOfficePhone
Africana StudiesDr. Salim FarajiLaCorte Hall, B-310(310) 243-2402
Art and DesignEllie ZenhariLaCorte Hall, B-110(310) 243-3963
Asian Pacific StudiesDr. Jess Marinaccio and Dr. Y NguyenLaCorte Hall, B-308 & 306(310) 243-3327
Chicana and Chicano StudiesDr. Tim Caron and Dr. Tim ChinNorth Library, 5090(310) 243-3389
CommunicationsDr. Brant Burkey-(310) 243-3313
Dance Program- Theatre Arts DepartmentDoris ResslLaCorte Hall, A-109(310) 243-3588
Department of MusicDr. Scott MorrisLaCorte Hall, E-303(310) 243-3543
Digital Media ArtsDr. George VinovichLaCorte Hall, A-215(310) 243-3945
EnglishDr. Andrew KalaidjianLaCorte Hall, B-334(310) 243-1047
HistoryDr. Laura TalamanteLaCorte Hall, A-340(310) 243-3451
HumanitiesDr. Tim ChinNorth Library, 5090(310) 243-3389
Interdisciplinary StudiesDr. Andrea JohnsonLaCorte Hall, A-315(310) 243-3640
Labor StudiesDr. Stephen McFarlandNorth Library, 4500-M(310) 243-3640
Modern LanguagesBenito GómezLaCorte Hall, C-310(310) 243-3315
Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, & Peace BuildingDr. Brian Jarrett

LaCorte Hall, C-316A

(310) 243-3237
PhilosophyDr. Brian GregorLaCorte Hall, C-312(310) 243-3636
Theatre ArtsDoris ResslLaCorte Hall, A-111(310) 243-3310
Women's StudiesDr. Tahereh Aghdasifar-(310) 243-3389